

We have compiled a collection of valuable resources to assist you.

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2025 ANA Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)

Click on a title below to view the entire NOFO.

Check back soon for the SEDS NOFOs

  • Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS)
  • Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska (SEDS-AK)
2024 Pre-Application Training Manual

This training manual will help the applicant: 1) understand the ANA Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and eligibility requirements for applying; 2) write an application narrative in response to an ANA NOFO; 3) complete required Federal forms and package the application; and 4) submit an application through

2023 Pre-Application Toolkit

The ANA Application Toolkit was designed to assist applicants in developing their grant applications to ANA. Applicants can find valuable templates, examples, and worksheets embedded in this toolkit.

2023 Esther Martinez Immersion (EMI) 5-Year Budget Template

This template includes line item budgets, budget justifications, and SF-424s for each year of a 5-year Language EMI grant. Please note using this template is not required by ANA.

2023 Language Preservation and Maintenance (P&M) 3-Year Template

This template includes line item budgets, budget justifications, and SF-424s for each year of a 3-year Language Preservation and Maintenance (P&M) grant. Please note, using this template is not required by ANA.

2023 ANA 3 Year Budget 3-Year Template

This template includes line item budgets, budget justifications, and SF-424s for each year of a 3-year Environmental Regulatory Enhancement (ERE), or Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) grant. Please note, using this template is not required by ANA.

TTIP (Target, Timeline, Indicator, and Population) Objective Mad Lib Tool

This tool can help write your TTIP objectives.

Objective Work Plan (OWP) Word Template

An OWP is required with all ANA grant applications.  This MS Word template is one of three versions of the OWP that applicants may use.

Outcome Tracker Word Template

This table format template is highly recommended to use as the Outcome Tracker in your application.  Please note using this template is not required by ANA.

SAM Registration Data Sheet

Fill our this form and use it as a reference guide when registering with

SUBMIT APPLICATION THROUGH GRANTS.GOV: This video provides instructions on how to submit your ANA application electronically through

2022 ANA PROJECT FRAMEWORK PART 1: Part one of the ANA Project Framework training video will go over the Long-Term Community Goal and the Current Community Condition.

2022 ANA PROJECT FRAMEWORK PART 2: Part 2 of the ANA Project Framework will go over the remaining Framework components which include Project Goal, Objectives, Outputs, and Outcomes and Indicators.

OUTCOME TRACKER AND OUTCOME TRACKING STRATEGY: The Outcome Tracker aligns information from the Project Framework with a means for measurement and annual targets for achievement. The Outcome Tracking Strategy is a narrative which describes the processes, tools, and staff that will be used to collect, analyze, and store project related data. This video will provide an overview of the information that should be included in the ANA Outcome Tracker and Outcome Tracking Strategy.

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT: Community-based planning can be used for any project that works to improve a community. This training will introduce you to building your knowledge and skills to engage the community in the community development and project planning processes.

ANA FRAMEWORK: This video will discuss the ANA Framework. The Framework refers to grant writing terms such as Long-Term Community Goal, Current Condition Statement, Project Goal, Objectives, Outcomes, and their logical connections to build a sustainable project.

EVALUATION PLAN: A project evaluation measures the effectiveness and efficiency of a project and determines the achievement level of project objectives. This video will look at evaluation planning specific to ANA requirements which is necessary to measure how well the project goal is accomplished and addresses the current condition statement.

RESOURCES AND PARTNERSHIPS: Identifying resources and partnerships needed for your project is an important step in the project planning process. This video will discuss the importance of assessing resources and forming strong partnerships for your ANA project.

ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: Organizational capacity is a critical component of project implementation. You must be able to demonstrate that your tribe or nonprofit organization and any staff involved have the capacity to successfully carry out the project. This video will discuss the types of organizational capacity you will need to implement your ANA project.

BUDGET: This video will help you understand and develop the different categories that make up the Line-Item Budget and Budget Justification for your ANA project.

Preparing for Federal Single Audits for ANA Recipients: Does your tribe or organization receive and spend more than $750,000 from the federal government in a single fiscal year? Whether you have one award or multiple awards totaling $750,000, a Federal Single Audit is required. A Single Audit is when an auditor reviews a recipient’s financial management processes, systems, and compliance with all of its federal awards. In this webinar, we’ll go over how to organize and prepare for a Federal Single Audit and provide tips for avoiding commonly found findings in ANA recipient audits. To access handouts that go along with this webinar, click on the following link:

Healing Our Native American Veterans: There are more than 140,000 Native American and Alaska Native veterans in the U.S. Healing for these military veterans is critical for restoring balance with their spiritual, mental, and physical being. This healing is also crucial in helping veterans transition back to their families and communities. This webinar will highlight community projects that are helping Native veterans heal and successfully reintegrate into their families and communities.

Future Leaders of the MMIP Crisis: Advocacy through Virtual Storytelling & Digital Arts: The Remembering Our Sisters Fellowship housed at the Center for Native American Youth is a virtual storytelling and digital arts program that empowers young Indigenous women and femme-identifying leaders to raise awareness of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) crisis and advocate for better policies that address the MMIP crisis. In this webinar, you will hear from several of the Remembering Our Sisters Fellows and learn about their MMIP-focused projects.

Understanding Your Community Through Data Tracking: Where Do I Start?: Data tracking is key to a successful project. But it is more than just numbers. Data tracking can be useful in better understanding your community. This webinar will focus on how to get started with data tracking, the different types of data you need to collect, and how to use that data to better serve your community.

Understanding and Managing the Indirect Cost De Minimis Rate: Have you ever wondered what the heck indirect cost and the de minimis rate are? If you are responsible for developing budgets for a grant application or overseeing finances for a grant project, this webinar is a must for you! This insightful webinar will provide you with important information about indirect cost and the de minimis rate specifically.

Food Sovereignty in Native Communities: The food sovereignty movement has been gaining momentum in Native communities as Native peoples work to improve access to healthy foods and build sustainable food systems. This growth is exemplified by the increase in food sovereignty and agriculture projects funded by ANA in the last decade. Join us as three current ANA grantees share their stories of how food sovereignty has impacted their communities’ access to healthy foods and how for some, it has also been an economic development driver. 

Master-Apprentice/Mentor-Apprentice Language Learning Model: The Master-Apprentice Language Learning Model is utilized when your remaining language speakers are mostly Elders. This model pairs learners with Elder speakers to engage in a Master-Apprentice Learning Model to revitalize Native languages. The Master-Apprentice model could be considered as a program to train and teach younger and middle-aged adults the language to both pass the language on to their children and become language teachers. The Master-Apprentice model of language acquisition could be considered as an entry point to develop new language teachers to eventually teach in language schools and the community.

Taking Advantage of Opportunity Zones: Opportunity Zones were created under the Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017 as a tool to spur economic development and job creation in eligible low-income areas which have difficulty attracting new businesses and jobs. This webinar will walk through the fundamentals of Opportunity Zones, and how the designated communities can be better equipped to work with legal and tax professionals to harness the tax benefits of creating or expanding Native businesses in such areas.

Honoring Our Native Veterans: In celebration of Veteran’s Day 2018, the Eastern Region Training and Technical Assistance Center hosted a webinar highlighting current Administration for Native Americans (ANA) grantees who are working with and/or serving Native veterans through their community projects. Southcentral Foundation and Trickster Art Gallery present.

Food Sovereignty and Economic Development – Growing Self-Sufficiency in Native Communities: In celebration of National Nutrition Month, this webinar highlights ANA grantees who are not only nourishing their communities through food-focused projects, but sustaining them through economic development.  Learn how food sovereignty and economic stability can go hand-in-hand and gather tips for improving the wellness and nutrition of your own community.

Addressing Human Trafficking in Native Communities – A Youth Awareness Approach: January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.  Staff from both the Administration for Children and Families Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) and ANA present information on the Native Youth Toolkit on Human Trafficking, developed to raise awareness and prevent trafficking of Native youth by providing education, resources, safety tips, and information on getting involved in their communities.

To Good Health and Good Cents – Sustainability Strategies and Funding Sources: Use of the term “sustainability” is frequent these days giving it the feeling of a trending buzz word. As a result, the importance of its meaning can sometimes be lost, especially within the context of complex grant application requirements.  This webinar will review the term “sustainability” and emphasize why the concept is not only important to ANA, but also to your community projects.

Effective Community-Wide Native Language Strategies: For many years, native language projects have been making strides in increasing the fluency of their students with the assistance of ANA funding. But how do we go about increasing language use within the entire community?  This webinar showcases Native Language projects that have been successful in affecting change in language awareness and use within their communities.

Indigenous Evaluation Models: Evaluation is key to successful project management and is usually a requirement when seeking funding. In this webinar, we discuss how indigenous ways of knowing can be woven into your evaluation plan.

Logic Models – A Framework for a Project: A logic model is a roadmap connecting the need for a project to its desired results. Join us as we go over the steps and the terminology used in creating logic models, and discover how they can be a valuable tool for your project planning.

Exploring Self-Evaluation – An Introspective Look at Project Progress: It is important to know when, how, and why to evaluate the progress of your project. Follow Teresa Peterson in her presentation of Dakota Wicohan Cultural Center’s self-designed evaluation process.

Language Teacher Retention and Certification: Language teachers are vital to the strength of language projects. Listen to language grantees from around the country give their best advice on teachers and their importance to the longevity of your project.

How to Sustain a Language Program: Grantees from two different language programs share what resources they use and strategies they follow to ensure the sustainability of their projects.

Using Census Data to Your Advantage: Data Dissemination Specialist Amadeo Shije returns with an in-depth tutorial on how to locate the data you need to support your grant proposal.

Project Orientation – A Practice for Successful Project Implementation: You’ve received an award, now what? Promptly holding project orientations for your staff is crucial to successful project implementation. Put your best foot forward using the strategies and techniques presented, here, by our Technical Assistance Specialist.

Native Drug Rehabilitation Projects – The Path to Healing Ourselves: Take a look at how ANA SEDS funds are being used to support drug treatment centers in Native communities.

Utilizing Census Data to Find Information about Your Community: Providing current and accurate statistics is a major asset to your grant application. Check out our latest webinar and follow Data Dissemination Specialist, Amadeo Shije, on a tour of the U.S. Census Bureau’s website!

Indirect Cost Rates – What You Need to Know: Confusion surrounds indirect cost rates: What exactly are they? How do you get one? And once you have one, how do you manage it? Find the answers to your rate-related questions, here.

How Can Urban Communities Implement Native Language Classes: Presenters from three different language programs based in urban centers across the nation share how they are maintaining the ties between natives living outside of their communities by encouraging native language learning.

The Native Language Tipping Point – Going from Endangered to Thriving: Listen to two successful ANA grantees share how they are revitalizing their Native languages in their communities.

Native Language Instruction in an Early Childhood Setting: The goal of the webinar is to help ACF and ED grantees address some common challenges to implementing Native American Languages in Early Childhood Settings.

Preparing Native Language Teachers – Strategies for Success: Successful OELA & ANA grantees will share stories about their efforts to train the next generation of Native American language teachers.

ANA Project Implementation Webinar Series, Part 3: The third installment of ANA’s Implementation webinar series on Reporting.

ACF’s Work with Urban American Indians and Alaska Natives: This webinar discusses preliminary findings of the Urban Indian Center study.

Sustainability – What Is It and Why Is It Important: Part 1 of ANA’s Sustainability Webinar Series.

Why the Wise Man Built his Project on Solid Metrics: This webinar is Part 2 of the ANA Evaluation Webinar Series.  It will cover how to include Evaluation into your Project Design.

Developing Sustainable Programs – Building Sustainability into Project Design: In this webinar you will learn how to transform your ANA project into an ongoing program.

Native Language Preservation: A Reference Guide for Establishing Archives and Repositories

This reference guide was developed in support of the Native American Languages Act of 1992 to assure the survival and continuing vitality of Native languages.  It contains chapters on the reasons and methods for preserving language materials and developing language repositories, as well as chapters on legal, policy, and cost considerations.

ANA Information Memorandum on Human Trafficking

ANA’s statement on human trafficking in Native communities, revised in January 2018.

Native Youth Toolkit on Human Trafficking

Referenced in our “Addressing Human Trafficking in Native Communities” webinar, this is a collection of resources and strategies designed to assist youth in combating human trafficking.

“Addressing Human Trafficking in Native Communities” Handout

Our “Addressing Human Trafficking in Native Communities” webinar presentation in printable format for note-taking and easy reference.

Grants.Gov Applicant General Overview

Everything you need to know about navigating as an Applicant.

DRAFT M&E Toolkit (7th version)

Referenced in our “Indigenous Evaluation” webinar, this is the 7th version of ANA’s monitoring and evaluation guidebooks. Note that this is a working document, with the final version due to be published to ANA’s website in the coming months.

“Indigenous Evaluation Webinar” Handout

Our “Indigenous Evaluation” webinar presentation in printable format for note taking and easy reference.

“Logic Models” Handout

Our “Logic Models” webinar presentation in printable format for note-taking and easy reference.

ANA’s Resource Library

Find webinars and helpful information distributed by our counterparts in the Western, Alaska, and Pacific Regions.

2019 ANA Report to Congress

ANA conducts end of project evaluations on a portion of their portfolio. This report addresses to what extent projects that ended in FY2019 met their objectives and how grantees described their project’s impact within their communities.

ANA Resource Directory

Committed to fostering economic and social development, ANA provides a database of agencies, foundations that support projects in your community. is your source to find and apply for federal grants. This website will allow you to search, apply and track your grants.

ACF How to Apply for a Grant

The Administration for Children & Families (ACF) has a wide variety of programs, including ANA.  This link provides an overview of the process to apply for ACF grants.

ANA Non Profit Tool Kit

ANA’s guide for creating and managing a Non-Profit Organization.

2022 Post Award Manual

The goal of the 2022 Post Award Manual is to help new ANA grant recipients understand the federal requirements related to managing their new ANA project.

How to Complete and Submit the Ongoing Progress Report (OPR)

Grantees submit an Ongoing Progress Report (OPR) twice a year using the Online Data Collection module in GrantSolutions. This document walks grantees through the steps to access the report, how to complete the report, and the process to submit the report.